UI Curriculum Items
You can add and maintain the following curriculum items for a UI on the Curriculum Details screen:

You can add and maintain awards for a UI on the Curriculum Details screen.
You must have the EBS4AwardsManager licence to enable the Awards node.
Awards can only be added to the UI providing that the corresponding UI level has the Allow Awards option set (this is done using the UI Levels reference data screen).
For more information on managing awards, refer to Manage Awards.
To add an award, do either of the following:
- Right-click on the Awards node in the UI tree, and select Add from the shortcut menu
- Select the Awards node in the UI tree, and click the Add button on the Curriculum ribbon
The same award cannot be linked to a UI twice, and only one of the awards linked to a UI can be set as the main award, but there can be more than one award of the same award type linked to a UI.
The following roles allow users to:
- CMADMIN and CMUSERALL - create, edit, and delete any UI Awards records
- CMUSER - create, edit, and delete UI Awards where the organisation that the user is linked to is the same as the organisation of the current record
- CMFACULTYUSER - view UI Awards (read-only)
The fields on the UI Awards screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Award | The code for the award. Click the Search button to display the Award Search window, where you can select the required award. |
Award Title | The award title is displayed here from the code entered. |
Main Award | Whether this award is the main award. |
Award Type | The award type. Select from the drop-down list. |

You can add and maintain assessments for a UI on the Curriculum Details screen.
You must have the EBS4AwardsManager licence to enable the Assessments node.
Assessments can only be added to the UI providing that the corresponding UI level has the Allow Assessments option set (this is done using the UI Levels reference data screen).
If assessments are added to the curriculum at UI level, all subsequent UIOs related to that UI automatically inherit those assessments at the point of enrolment for a learner, regardless of the occurrence they choose to enrol on.
To add an assessment, do either of the following:
- Right-click on the Assessments node in the UI tree, and select Add from the shortcut menu
- Select the Assessments node in the UI tree, and click the Add button on the Curriculum ribbon
The following roles allow users to:
- CMADMIN and CMUSERALL - create, edit, and delete any UI Assessments records (deletion subject to data integrity checks)
- CMUSER - create, edit, and delete UI Assessments where the UI.OWNING_ORGANISATION or UI.OFFERING_ORGANISATION is an organisation code that the user is linked to the standard organisation relationship check
- CMFACULTY - view UI Assessments (read-only)
The fields on the UI Assessments screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Assessment Code | The code for the assessment. |
Assessment Description | The description for the assessment. |
Assessment Type |
The assessment type. Select from the drop-down list. Assessment type records are set up in Reference Data. |
Weighting | The weighting of this assessment as specified in the Marking Scheme group. |
Grouped | Displays whether or not this assessment has been grouped under a Marking Scheme (read-only). |
Location | The study location for this assessment. Click the Search button to display the Location Search window, where you can select the required location code. |
Grading Scheme |
The grading scheme of this assessment. Select from the drop-down list. Grading scheme records are set up in Reference Data. |
Owning Organisation | The owning organisation for this assessment. Click the Search button to display the Organisation Search window, where you can select the required organisation code. |
Minimum Pass Mark |
The minimum pass mark is defaulted from the linked grading scheme. This will be mandatory for the Percentage, Marks Out Of and Grade type grading schemes. For a Percentage grading scheme, the possible values will be between 0 and 100. For a Marks Out Of grading scheme, the possible values will be between 0 and the Marks Out Of value for the assessment. For a Grade grading scheme, the possible values will be the set of grades for the linked grading scheme. This can be edited after the initial default from the grading scheme. If the grading scheme is changed after the minimum mark has been set for an assessment, the default from the new grading scheme will then be applied. |
Marks Out Of |
Enter the number of marks this assessment is out of. This is only applicable where the grading scheme is a Marks Out Of type grading scheme. |
Resits Allowed | The number of resits allowed for this assessment. |
Theory Hours | The number of theory hours for this assessment. |
Practical Hours | The number of practical hours for this assessment. |
Mandatory | Whether this assessment is mandatory. |
Active | Whether this assessment is an active assessment. |
Allow Aegrotats | Whether to allow aegrotats for this assessment (that is: whether a learner can pass the assessment if they have missed it due to mitigating circumstances, such as illness). |
Allow Extensions | Whether to allow extensions for this assessment. |
Mandatory Enrolment | Whether this assessment is mandatory at enrolment. |
Must Pass | Whether learners must pass this assessment. |
NZ Unit Standard | When the assessment type and grading scheme are set to Unit Standard, you can enter a unit standard, or click the Search button to display the Unit Standard Search window, where you can select the required unit standard. |
NZ Unit Standard Number | This field is automatically populated when a unit standard is selected. |
NZ Unit Standard Title | This field is automatically populated when a unit standard is selected. |
NZ Unit Standard Version | This field is automatically populated when a unit standard is selected. |
NZ Requires Outcome | Whether this assessment requires an outcome. |
NZ LNAAT Status | The LNAAT status. |
NZ LNAAT Area | The LNAAT area. |
NZ LNAAT Audience | The LNAAT audience. |
NZ LNAAT Type | The LNAAT type. |
NZ LNAAT Strand | The LNAAT strand. |
NZ LNAAT Difficulty | The LNAAT difficulty. |
NZ LNAAT Threshold | The LNAAT threshold. |

You can specify pre-requisites and co-requisites for a course, providing that you have a role that allows you to add or edit curriculum content.
To add a UI Links record, do either of the following:
- Right-click on the Links node in the UI tree, and select Add from the shortcut menu
- Select the Links node in the UI tree, and click the Add button on the Curriculum ribbon
The fields on the UI Links screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
UI Code | The UI code of the linked course. Click the Search button to display the Course Search window, where you can select the required course. |
Link Type |
The link type. Select from the following:
UK Prospectus NZ Parent NZ Child The Is the Pre/Co Requisites functionality enabled? institution setting must be selected to enable the pre/co-requisites functionality in Curriculum and Enrolments. A UI cannot be both a pre-requisite and co-requisite. The system does not allow circular references. |
Description | The description for the course. |
UK Recursive Link? |
Whether to create a link to related courses in the Learner Portal that learners may be interested in. The Recursive Link check box is only available to select when a link type of Prospectus is selected. |
NZ Category | The unit category. |
NZ Start Date | The start date of the link. This enables you to specify the time period that the link is applicable to, so that it can be used when inheriting the links. |
NZ End Date | The end date of the link. This enables you to specify the time period that the link is applicable to, so that it can be used when inheriting the links. |
NZ Default Progress Code | The default progress code for the linked course. Select from the drop-down list. |

You can add and maintain fees for a UI on the Curriculum Details screen. Expand the Fees node to display the list of fees already associated with the course. A course can have many types of fee and many fee values.
To add a fee, do either of the following:
- Right-click on the Fees node in the UI tree, and select Add from the shortcut menu
- Select the Fees node in the UI tree, and click the Add button on the Curriculum ribbon
The following roles allow users to:
- CMADMIN - create, edit, and delete UI Fees
- CMUSER and CMUSERALL - create, edit, and delete UI Fees (must also have the CMBUDGET role)
- CMUSER - view UI Fees (read-only and must also have the CMBUDGET role)
The fields on the UI Fees screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Fee Type |
The type of fee that will be charged for the course. Fee type records are set up in Reference Data. |
Include by Default | Whether to include this fee type by default when auto generating fees. |
Std Domestic | The standard domestic amount that is payable by a learner. |
Domestic FCR | The domestic full cost recovery amount that is payable by a learner. |
Foreign | The amount payable by an overseas (foreign) learner. |
Calc Method |
The fee calculation method defaulted from that set for the fee value in reference data. For manually added UI Fees, the calculation method defaults to Fixed Amount and cannot be edited. |
Start Date | The start date for this fee type, if required. Defaults to the current system date. |
End Date | The end date for this fee type, if required. |
Account Code | The account code for the fee. This field is automatically populated if an account code has been specified for the fee type in reference data. You can select a different code from the drop-down list. |
UI Price Band | The price band code. Select the price band code if price band fees need to be set that can be inherited. |
Added From Price Band | The price band code will be displayed automatically, if this fee is inherited from a price band. |
Studylink? | Whether this fee type is included in StudyLink fees. |
Allow Refund | Whether this fee type is refundable. |
Charge | When the fee is to be charged. Select from the drop-down list. |
GST Rate |
The GST rate applicable for this fee type. This field is automatically populated if a GST rate has been specified for the fee type in Reference Data. You can select a different rate from the drop-down list. |
Round to Nearest |
The value that fees should be rounded to. This field is automatically populated if a value has been specified for the fee type in Reference Data. |
Minimum Value |
The minimum value that fees can be rounded. This field is automatically populated if a value has been specified for the fee type in Reference Data. |
Continuous Enrolment Duration (days) | The number of days will be displayed automatically, if the value has been specified against the fee type in Reference Data. |
Add Fees from Price Band
You can select a price band and add its fees to the current UI in order to apply commonly used groups of fees to courses. Price bands are set up and maintained in Reference Data.
To add a UI price band, do either of the following:
- Right-click on the Fees node in the UI tree, and select Add Price Band from the shortcut menu
Select the Fees node in the UI tree, and click the Add Price Band button on the Curriculum ribbon
The Curriculum price band window is displayed.
Click the Search button to display the Price Band Search window. The required price band can be selected from those stored in the PRICE_BANDS table.
When you click the OK button, the UI Fees grid of the Curriculum Manager automatically opens. The individual fees in the selected price band are highlighted in green. For example:
The plus sign in the * (asterisk) column of the grid indicates that the fee records have not been saved.
Click Save to add the price band fees to the current UI. The UI Price Band column in the grid will then display the name of the price band that has been added (for example: Exams).
When you return to the Curriculum Details screen, you must click the Refresh button on the Curriculum ribbon to display the new fee records for the UI.

You can specify organisation links for the UI on the Curriculum Details screen.
You can set the start and end dates for the relationships where the type is Revenue (but not for owning and offering organisations) and can also set the percentage share of the UI EFTS against related organisations of all types.
The total share of revenue (EFTS percent values) must add up to 100% at any given date.
To add an organisation, do either of the following:
- Right-click on the Organisations node in the UI tree, and select Add from the shortcut menu
- Select the Organisations node in the UI tree, and click the Add button on the Curriculum ribbon
The fields on the UI Organisations screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Organisation | The organisation code of the linked course. Click the Search button to display the Organisation Search window, where you can select the required organisation. |
Organisation Name | The organisation name. |
Type |
The organisation type. Select from the following:
Organisations with the Revenue type link at UI level are not cascaded down to new UIOs when carrying out a curriculum roll forward. |
EFTS Percent | The percentage of EFTS applicable to this organisation. |
Start Date | The start date of the organisation link. Click the Calendar button to select a date, if required. |
End Date | The end date of the organisation link. Click the Calendar button to select a date, if required. |

You can add and maintain staff responsibilities for the UI on the Curriculum Details screen. The member of staff who has created the UI is entered automatically as the course owner. This can be edited, if required.
To add a member of staff, do either of the following:
- Right-click on the Staff node in the UI tree, and select Add from the shortcut menu
- Select the Staff node in the UI tree, and click the Add button on the Curriculum ribbon
The following roles allow users to:
- CMADMIN or CMUSERALL- create, edit, and delete UI Staff records
- CMUSER - create, edit, and delete UI Staff records when the owning organisation at UI level is an organisation code the user is linked to
- CMFACULTYUSER - view UI Staff (read-only)
The fields on the UI Staff screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Person Code | The staff member code. Click the Search button to display the Staff Search window, where you can select the required staff member. |
Person Name | The name of the staff member. |
Type |
The staff responsibility type. Select from the following:
Only one Course Tutor, Supervisor, and Lead Tutor can be added for a UI. |
Start Date | The date the staff member is valid from in this role. Click the Calendar button to select a date, if required. |
End Date | The date the staff member is valid to in this role. Click the Calendar button to select a date, if required. |

You can add and maintain details of requirements for the UI on the Curriculum Details screen that a learner must meet before the application can be progressed.
Entering requirements here against the UI allows the Applications and Admissions teams to cascade these requirements down to all applicants for the course.
To add a requirement, do either of the following:
- Right-click on the Requirements node in the UI tree, and select Add from the shortcut menu
- Select the Requirements node in the UI tree, and click the Add button on the Curriculum ribbon
The fields on the UI Requirements screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Requirement Code |
The requirement code. Select from the drop-down list. Requirement code records are set up and maintained in Reference Data. |
Status |
The requirement status. Select from the drop-down list. Requirement status records are set up and maintained in Reference Data. |
Start Date | The date the requirement is valid from. Click the Calendar button to select a date, if required. |
End Date | The date the requirement is valid to. Click the Calendar button to select a date, if required. |